Now booking for January: join our 4-week beginners course - find out more & book your place here
Your Instructor - Sensei Anthea
Sensei Anthea currently holds the rank of 5th degree black belt in Aikido and is a certified instructor (shidoin) registered with the United States Aikido Federation. She also holds black belts in Iaido (the art of Japanese swordsmanship) and Karate-do.
Adults are welcome to start training at any time and are encouraged to drop in and watch a class or try one first hand.
There are no minimum fitness standards nor do you need to have had any prior exposure to martial arts. All you need is an open mind and some loose fitting comfortable clothes to begin.
Existing students:
New/prospective students:
“Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. ”